Nyt Fu Manchu nummer online


Det amerikanske stonerrock band Fu Manchu udgiver deres 11. studiealbum d. 20 oktober via Century Media Records. Pladen kommer til at hedde Signs of Infinite Power, og bandet skriver selv om pladen:

Signs of Infinite Power could well be dubbed ‘a reawakening’ of FU MANCHU as the record delivers monstrous doses of the group’s punk energy, hard rock drive and psychedelic crunch in spades. From the instant the album’s lead track “Bionic Astronautics” soars from the speakers, it is undeniably evident that FU MANCHU is as primed and hungry as ever before. The record holds the sound of a band rocking purely for the sheer joy of rocking; amps cranked to 11 and revved to maximum overdrive.”

Lige nu er det muligt at lytte til førnævnte “Bionic Astronautics” på bandets officielle MySpace-side. “Bionic Astronautics” er også første single fra Signs of Infinite Power. Singlen er strengt limiteret til 1000 stk og udover titelnummeret, indeholder den også et cover af punktbandet JFA med titlen “Beach Blanket Bongout”. Singlen udkommer på bandets eget At The Dojo Records.

Signs of Infinite Power track-liste:

01. Bionic Astronautics
02. Steel.Beast.Defeated
03. Against the Ground
04. Webfoot Witch Hat
05. El Busta
06. Signs of Infinite Power
07. Eyes x 10
08. Gargantuan March
09. Take It Away
10. One Step Too Far

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