Franz Ferdinand gør klar til fjerde album


Franz Ferdinands frontmand Alex Kapranos har bekræftet, at bandet er i gang med at skrive materiale til briternes fjerde album. Den skotske sanger og guitarist har fortalt BBC 6music, at han og guitarist Nick McCarthy har arbejdet på nye sange hjemme hos McCarthy:

I’ve been round at Nick’s and we’ve been writing some things, and trying to do things in a different way again. You’ll hear it before too long.

Kapranos vil dog ikke fortælle for meget om det nye album.

Before the last record I talked far too much about it. As we had the ideas and I made a vow that I wasn’t going to say anything about what we are actually doing until we’ve done it, and then wait about another three weeks.

Så hvilken retning opfølgeren til Tonight: Franz Ferdinand vil bevæge sig i må vi vente lidt endnu med at finde ud af.

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