Eagles Of Death Metals Jesse Hughes langer ud efter Lars Ulrich

Foto: Lydia McDonald
Foto: Lydia McDonald

Eagles of Death Metal har i de seneste par år spillet en del koncerter i Danmark, og nu gør Jesse Hughes sig også bemærket for andet end sin musik. Han er nemlig blevet interviewet til Montreal Mirror, hvor han blandt andre langer ud efter danske Lars Ulrich, der forleden modtog Dansk Musiker Forbunds Hæderspris (se billedet).

Jesse Hughes, der kun har mødt Lars Ulrich én gang, mener, at Metallica-trommeslageren har en dårlig attitude og er et røvhul.

Lars Ulrich from Metallica is somebody who just really gets my gander up. You can tell the other guys in the band are cool and used to just be serious heshers who were probably whacked out on meth and would’ve kicked your ass in the ’80s. On the other hand, you have Lars, who is just this swishy Mary who grew his hair long, put on a denim jacket and infiltrated this cool gang. The only time I met him, he was wearing a golf pantsuit and everybody was wondering who this fat golfer dude was acting like an asshole in our backstage area. He could’ve been the greatest, but I went up to him after I figured out who he was and told him how much I loved Metallica, and he just looked through me and walked away. Thirty minutes later, Josh introduced me as the dude from the band, and he didn’t even remember me from a half-hour before and went on about how he thought we were rad. The only thing I wanted to do at that point was kick his ass.

The way I grew up, it’s critically important to not be an asshole just because you can sing well or whatever. This is the coolest job in the world and nobody, not even Lars, deserves this job. You don’t earn the ability to exclude people or get special treatment and a sense of entitlement just because you can carry a beat. A scary day for me is that I might not make my plane to go and rock people in Brussels, and I realize that’s a fucking gift. When people are successful at rock ‘n’ roll, it can make the world seem like a dream, and that’s what will fuck these people up. I like people and want people to feel they can belong — that’s what real rock ‘n’ roll is supposed to be about.

Nu vi er ved Lars Ulrich, så blev der i forrige uge spredt et rygte på nettet om, at Lars Ulrich var tæt på at blive smidt ud af Metallica kort tid inden den tidligere bassist Cliff Burton døde i en fatal busulykke i Sverige.

Det er den tidligere Metallica-guitarist – og nuværende Megadeth-frontmand – Dave Mustaine, der har fortalt Rolling Stone Magazine, at han engang har fået at vide af Anthrax’ Scott Ian, at Cliff Burton ville have Lars Ulrich ud af bandet.

[Ian] said that when Metallica got home, that James [Hetfield, vocals/guitar], Cliff and Kirk [Hammett, guitar] were going to fire Lars.

Scott Ian nægter dog nogensinde at have sagt ovenstående, og han skriver følgende på Twitter:

Story’s not true. Little does anyone know but Lars actually owns the [Metallica] name. Good luck ever kicking him out.

Lars Ulrich har så vidt vides hverken reageret på Jesse Hughes’ angreb eller Mustaines rygte.

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