Thom Yorke og Flea går sammen i nyt band


Thom Yorke har dannet et nyt band med Red Hot Chili Peppers’ bassist Flea, producer Nigel Godrich, tidligere R.E.M. live-trommeslager Joey Waronker og den brasilianske multiinstrumentalist Mauro Refosco. Bandet har stadig intet navn, men det vil spille to koncerter i Los Angeles’ Orpheum Theatre henholdsvis den 4. og den 5. oktober.

Inde på Radioheads hjemmeside kan man læse følgende:

in the past couple of weeks i’ve been getting a band together for fun to play the eraser stuff live and the new songs etc.. to see if it could work!
here’s a photo.. its me, joey waronker, mauro refosco, flea and nigel godrich.

at the beginning of october the 4th and 5th we are going to do a couple of shows at the Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles.
we don’t really have a name and the set will not be very long cuz ..well …we haven’t got that much material yet!
but come and check it out if you are in the area. we’ve also got locals Lucky Dragons playing.
all the best


Noget tyder altså på, at Thom Yorke og co. har tænkt sig at indspille sange sammen. Men udover ovenstående er der ikke sluppet noget ud endnu.

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