I dette øjeblik er Seattles Fleet Foxes i studiet for at indspille opfølgeren til sidste års debutalbum, der udviklede sig til at blive en massiv succes og et af årets mest omtalte albums. Ifølge sanger og sangskriver Robin Pecknold er bandet stadig i den indledende fase og til Pitchfork fortæller han følgende:
We rented a new space in Seattle. We were looking for a space in town, and I asked Josh [Rosenfeld] from Barsuk… He said that Death Cab were moving out of their space and the space that they were in was the space where they recorded all the Sub Pop records from 1986 to 1992 [including Nirvana’s 1989 Bleach debut album].
Hvis man som Fleet Foxes fan, håber på, at det nye album rent musikalsk vil ligge op ad debuten, så er der noget, der tyder på, at man vil blive skuffet.
I listened to the first record again, and I was kind of nonplussed. Some of it I was into, or I could see why we did that at that time. But some of it we would just never do again.
When I was listening to the first album, it was kind of like research. I was listening to the record for the first time in a really long time. When I was listening to it, I felt like I didn’t get a chance to breathe. There was a lot of ‘too upbeat.’ I guess people think we’re already kind of a mellow band, so maybe the next album will be pretty boring to most people.
Det nye album vil formentligt først blive udgivet i sidste halvdel af 2010.