Nyt album fra Anathema til maj


Man skal helt tilbage til 2003 for at finde det sidste album med engelske Anathema. A Natural Disaster udkom på Music For Nations, der desværre efter en overtagelse af Sony BMG, måtte lade livet i forbindelse med en større omstrukturering. Siden har Anathema været uden selskab, men istedet for at lade sig slå ud, har bandet for egne midler arbejdet på en plade. Ventetiden er forsøgt gjort kortere ved at lade fans og andre interesserede følge med i udviklingen, da flere numre er blevet lagt på nettet til fri download.

Nu har Anathema imidlertid fundet et selskab i skikkelse af Kscope Records, der udgiver bandets ottende studiealbum d. 31. maj. Pladen kommer  sigende nok til at hedde We’re Here Because We’re Here, og skulle man have tvivlet på om Anathema ville være istand til at komme tilbage, slår titlen det fast med 7-tommer søm: Anathema er bare ikke sådan til at komme af med.

På bandets hjemmeside skriver bandets guitarist Danny Cavanagh om pladen:

‘‘We’re Here Because We’re Here’ is Anathema’s most expansive album to date and by the far best thing we’ve ever done. Not only have we improved as writers, but because we took our time, we had the opportunity to select the very best material and concentrate on it. We gave the songs the chance to breathe and come alive by themselves and it’s ended up being magical – every song is as good as the rest of them. This album features the best performances by the band ever; Vincent’s greatest vocals and John’s and my best writing”

Forsanger Vincent Cavanagh tilføjer:

“The title ‘We’re Here Because We’re Here’ is inspired by a song that was first heard across the Allied trenches of World War One. Sung to the tune of ‘Auld Lang Syne’, the song served as a defiant rallying-call keeping up the morale of those who had to endure the incessant carnage and almost unimaginable horror. The spirit behind those words, and the deep questions they raised immediately struck all of us. Therefore we have appropriated these words to reflect the spirit and bond that all six members of the group have with each other. We have shared some incredible experiences, on all levels, and the fact that we have emerged stronger, more determined, and confident in our common vision is a testament to our resilience, both as individuals and collectively”

Der er også sket en tilvækst i bandet, da trommeslager John Douglas’ søster Lee Douglas er blevet et fast medlem i Anathema. Hun har ved flere lejligheder været gæst på scenen, men nu er hun altså officielt med i bandet. Hun skriver:

“It’s great to be more involved musically, and I feel that my vocals are adding a new presence and depth to the dynamic of the group. I’m in it for the long haul, so bring it on!”

Anathema har selv produceret pladen, der er mixet at Porcupine Trees’ Steven Wilson og mastereret af Jon Astley (The Who, Led Zeppelin). Sangen “Angels Walk Among Us” vil have H.I.M’s Ville Valo på gæstevokal.

Tracklisten til We’re Here Because We’re Here ser således ud:

Thin Air
Summernight Horizon
Dreaming Light
Angels Walk Among Us
A Simple Mistake
Get Off, Get Out

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