Lyt til hele Ed Harcourts nye album

Good evening all,
Ed here. Thanks to all those who made it to the gig at the Pigalle in London the other night. We all had a marvellous time, I hope you enjoyed it! Also, thank you to all the people who have been pre-ordering the album and merch on my new site. There’s still plenty of time before the album comes out on June 14th so check it out on Thanks again for all your support, can’t wait to see you in June and raise the roof.

Ja, Ed Harcourt er på vej med sit femte studiealbum, Lustre. Albummet er produceret af Ryan Hadlock (Blonde Redhead, The Gossip, Ra Ra Riot), indeholder vokalharmonier sunget af The Langley Sisters,og er det første album, der udkommer på Harcourts eget label, Piano Wolf Recordings.

Om albummet udtaler Ed Harcourt: ”It’s an album about action, life, the lustre that you have in your eyes when you feel you’re living for something. If was weighed-down, like an anchor, this one is a buoy.”

Som nævnt i Ed Harcourts udsendte mail, så udkommer albummet den 14. juni. Efter at have ligget på undertegnedes bord i lidt over en måned kan jeg godt love, at der er noget at glæde sig til!

Nåh ja, hele albummet kan høres her.

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