The Sword mister trommeslager

Foto: Jack Thompson

Amerikanske The Sword, der for nyligt uden grund aflyste hele deres Europa-tour – en tur der bl.a. skulle have bragt dem til København i november – aflyser nu også deres USA-tur. På bandets MySpace-side kan man læse, at aflysningen skyldes trommeslager Trivett Wingos afsked fra bandet.

Trivett Wingo siger selv om splittet:

“It is with deep sadness that I am announcing my departure from The Sword. After nearly seven years and some of the most amazing adventures of a lifetime, I have arrived at a place where I am physically and emotionally unable to continue on as part of The Sword. If I could go any further, I would as I love the music and JD, Bryan and Kyle are people that I deeply respect, but I have reached a point where I just can’t do this anymore. I would like to thank the wonderful people who made this experience what it has been: the fans, the people that I have worked and all of the bands and musicians that have inspired me over the years. I thank you and apologize for any disappointment that this may cause anyone, not least of which The Sword.”

Ifølge bandet er der ikke nogen hard feelings mellem band og Wingo:

“We wish Trivett nothing but the best, and it is with heavy hearts that we bid him farewell. He is a phenomenal musician and has been an integral part of this band’s success. He helped to lay the foundation that we will continue to build upon, and we wouldn’t be where we are without him. We wish he could continue the adventure with us, but we understand that the life of a touring musician is not for everyone. It’s been a hell of a ride, and we’re sad to see this part of the journey end. The show must go on, though, and we’ll be back on the road as soon as humanly possible.”

The Sword arbejder lige nu på at få en ny Europa-tour op at stå, så forhåbentligt bliver det snart muligt at opleve bandets seneste udspil – den fantastiske Warp Riders – live.

Læs bandets statement i sin fulde længde her:

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