Den smukke sangerinde Nicole Atkins har offentliggjort, at hun udgiver sit tredje album den 25. januar. Titlen bliver Mondo Amore og coveret kan ses herover.
Om albummet skriver fortæller Atkins:
This is the record I’ve been wanting to make since I was 12. It has so many layers, it’s able to do whatever it wants without defining itself as one thing.
Siden sit seneste album, Neptune City (2007), har hun sagt farvel til Columbia Records på grund af kunstneriske uoverensstemmelser. Atkins fortæller:
The wanted to push me into a more commercial things. I really wanted to explore more psychedelia and blues, but they weren’t into that, so I wasn’t into them.
I stedet er det nu VP of A&R and Music Publishing, der får lov til at udgive Mondo Amore, der ifølge Atkins kan betegnes som psychedelisk funk.
Nummeret ”Vultures” fra det kommende album kan downloades her.
Om nummeret udtaler Atkins:
It’s my favorite song I’ve ever done. I started writing it a year and a half ago, when I was on the beach with my sister. I was listening to a lot of blues music and it was around the time I was fighting with my label a lot and was thinking about people in their jobs, how people can work really hard and end up with nothing.