Country-dronningen Emmylou Harris er ved at være klar til at udgive opfølgeren til 2008s roste All I Intended To Be. Titlen på det kommende album er All I Intended og det rammer gaden den 26. april.
Hard Bargain indeholder 11 nye sange skrevet af Harris selv samt 2 covernumre og er produceret af Jay Joyce (Cage the Elephant, Patty Griffin). Det ene af covernumrene er af Ron Sexsmiths ”Hard Bargain” og det andet er af Jay Joyces ”Cross Yourself”.
Emmylou Harris udtaler:
We did the whole record in about a month, which is quite unusual for me. But I had all the material beforehand. I’d written 11 of the 13 songs and I really wanted to include two more by other writers.
We did the whole thing with just three musicians, me being one of them. Jay, the producer, and Giles Reeves play everything between them. It’s not a stripped down record though; there’s only one song that’s a little bare bones. I’m basically a slow ballad-y person, but Jay managed to really move the songs up a bit. But they still have the same emotional feel.
Emmylou Harris har i tidens løb høstet 12 Grammyer og har lånt sin stemme ud til et hav af musikere. Mest kendt er nok hendes samarbejde med Gram Parsons i de tidlige 70ere. ”The Road” fra det kommende album handler netop om Harris’ tid sammen med Parsons.
Tracklisten til Hard Bargain:
1. The Road
2. Home Sweet Home
3. My Name Is Emmett Till
4. Goodnight Old World
5. New Orleans
6. Big Black Dog
7. Lonely Girl
8. Hard Bargain
9. Six White Cadillacs
10. The Ship on His Arm
11. Darlin’ Kate
12. Nobody
13. Cross Yourself