Amerikanske Titus Andronicus begyndte for alvor at røre på sig med udgivelsen af The Monitor tilbage i 2010. Det store gennembrud har dog ladet vente på sig, men måske det nye og tredje album Local Business kan bringe fornyet vind i sejlene for bandet, der har taget navn efter et stykke af William Shakespeare – og et amerikansk krigsskib.
Local Business udkommer d. 23. oktober via XL Recordings.
Er man glad for Titus Andrinicus, og vil man gerne slå ventetiden ihjel med noget Titus Andronicus, så har fronmand Patrick Stickles lavet et mixtape, der kan downloades her. Om sangene på mixtapet skriver han:
1. Intro
2. The Boys Are Back In Town (Thin Lizzy)
live at the Stone Pony, Asbury Park, NJ 3/4/2012, recorded by Tommy R the soundman
3. Upon Viewing Oregon’s Landscape with the Flood of Detritus
from the forthcoming split seven inch single with Diarrhea Planet, recorded 2/2012 by Kevin MacMahon at Marcata Recording, New Paltz, NY, featuring backing vocals by Alex Levine of the So So Glos
4. Arms Against Atrophy
The band’s very first recording, made summer 2005 at the Graetzer residence, Glen Rock, NJ
5. My Time Outside the Womb
Patrick’s acoustic demo, recorded at Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ, sometime early 2006
6. Every Time I See The Light Part Two
From the live album “The Innocents Abroad,” recorded at the Hoxton Bar and Grill, London, England, 2/2009
7. Anxiety Block (Television Personalities)
Recorded by Kevin MacMahon at Marcata Recording, spring 2009
8. First Inaugural Address, take two
‘The Monitor’ outtake, words of Abraham Lincoln, 1861, spoken by Okey Canfield Chenoweth III at his home in Oakland, NJ summer 2009
9. A More Perfect Union
10. Titus Andronicus Forever
11. No Future Part Three: Escape From No Future
Four track demos for ‘The Monitor,’ recorded by Sarim Al-Rawi at the Graetzer residence, 6/2009
12. Four Score…
Four track demo for live violin arrangement, recorded at home
13. …And Seven (Remix)
‘The Monitor’ outtake, recorded by Patrick on four track at Marcata Recording, summer 2009
14. El Scorcho (Weezer)
15. Interlude
16. Undone [The Sweater Song] (Weezer)
From the Vice Halloween Party 2009, recorded by NYC Taper
17. I Fought The Law (Bobby Fueller)
Rehearsal for OWS benefit at Shea Stadium, 11/2011
18. Riot Squad (Cock Sparrer)
Live at that very benefit, recorded by Adam ‘Bomb’ Reich
19. Hot Pockets Theme (TV)
Rehearsal recording, autumn 2011
20. Heroin (Velvet Underground)
11-piece lineup live at the home of Sam Franklin, Ridgewood, NJ, 12/2005
21. Interlude
22. Waking Up Drunk (Spider Bags)
Live at Maxwell’s, Hoboken, NJ, Spring 2010, featuring Dan McGee of Spider Bags on lead vocals, recorded by NYC Taper
23. Treatment Bound (Replacements)
Nedenstående nummer stammer fra mixtapet.
Tracklisten til Local Business:
1. Ecce Homo
2. Still Life With Hot Deuce and Silver Platter
3. Upon Viewing Oregon’s Landscape With the Flood of Detritus
4. Food Fight!
5. My Eating Disorder
6. Titus Andronicus VS. the Absurd Universe (3rd Round KO)
7. In a Big City
8. In a Small Body
9. (I Am the) Electric Man
10. Tried to Quit Smoking