The Bouncing Souls har lavet to videoer til deres nye sang


The Bouncing Souls har fået lavet to videoer til sangen ”Airport Security”. Den ene er den officielle video, og den anden er en legoversion lavet af af fans!

Efter at have set videoen til “Airport Security” besluttede familien Westervelt sig nemlig for at lave en lego-version af videoen. På The Bouncing Souls hjemmeside kan man læse følgende skrivelse fra familien:

When we saw the “Airport Security” video, with the cardboard sets and props, it just seemed natural to turn it into a Lego animation. Theresa constructed all the sets and props while Andrew and Brian, ages 12 and 13, did the bulk of the animating and Brian Sr. was the director/dictator and editor.

The whole project took two months and more hours than we are willing to admit to. We had all hoped that the Souls would see it but we never expected any feedback. Imagine our surprise when Kate contacted us and wanted to put it on the Souls web site!

We go to as many Souls shows as we can, which is about every 3 or 4 months. Their music truly speaks to us and we hope this video can express our gratitude. Thank you Bouncing Souls for 20 years and we hope for many more.

– Brian, Theresa, Brian and Andrew Westervelt

Se begge videoer herunder og bedøm selv resultatet af familen Westervelts anstrengelser.

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